The Otis Library has successfully continued services during another year of the pandemic.
We have moved from being closed, to providing curbside service, to opening by appointment, and now being open with masks. With much confusion most people managed to get vaccinated and while it has not been foolproof at least it has been effective in lessening the effects. With these vaccinations we were looking forward to being completely back to normal but with the emergence of the Delta variant, and now the Omicron variant that has not happened. The library is open for browsing, computer use, and assistance, but there are no in house programs, no group meetings and masks are required.
We learned to provide our services and programs in different ways. With our Zoom membership we provide new programs using technology. We sponsored several programs; gardening, reducing clutter and getting more organized, how to use CWMARS electronic databases and services, and several more. We worked with other libraries to share virtual program offerings in Cartooning, NASA, Jazz Music and many more. In addition to using technology, we also learned how to use our greatest resource, the great outdoors! Under the direction of trustees Susan Ebitz and Donna Rich we offered monthly story walks and pop-up poetry programs outdoors. Families participated in these Saturday sessions, or they could attend the story walks independently during the posting periods. As we continue to add programs and events, we invite your suggestions and ideas. Please contact us anytime.
Our communication has improved during this year. In addition to a section on the town
website: we continue to use our Facebook Page: under the direction of Kerry Bean and Kyle Hawley, our newest library assistant, developed a new library website: Visit these sites to see what is happening and to contact us.
The biggest excitement this year is Otis Library’s application to the MBLC (Massachusetts Library of Library Commissioners) Small Library Pilot Project. This grant program to build a library in one pilot town of 2,000 was announced in May 2021. The Otis Library filed its intent to apply in June. Throughout this process we held informative sessions, collected feedback, and developed a library building plan. Our application was filed in December. A decision will be made by the end of February 2022. The process has been challenging. It has been most rewarding to receive such public support from the people of Otis. Thank you.
Kathleen Bort
Otis Library